- Words From The Community Involved With Our Program
I have been attending the food pantry for 3 months now. I first went just to get the fresh produce and bread, but the staples have also really helped with my grocery bill.
The people are very friendly and do not make you feel like you are getting a hand out or that you are “below” them. They also gave me a “job” to do, so I can give back and not just take; this makes me feel better.
There was no mobile food pantry in Thornton, the nearest was in Commerce City, and there is no bus service to that one, so this is very important to me, because it is accessible. There are Commodities in Commerce City, but it is a 3-hour round trip bus ride, plus your time spent at the warehouse.
Cathy Millet, Client

I attended the food distribution at the Pinnacle school this week. What a marvelous group of volunteers. They were all smiling and helpful. The food was wonderful, not at all what I expected. I brought home some fresh fruits and vegetables (some from Trader Joe’s !) a can of tomatoes, a beautiful piece of fish & 2 small cans of juice. The man who helped me carry my box teaches religion at Holy Family High School, my alma mater.
Thank you for the wonderful service that all of you are providing to the community.
Molly O'Connor, Client

We are pleased to welcome Neighbor Outreach of Colorado and the Mobile Food Pantry to Holy Cross. The monthly distribution increases in participation each month and serves a vital need in our community.
There is a great deal of concern about the level of poverty in the area of our church and we are aware of the needs of parishioners due to the economic times we live in. It is so good to be able to offer them, respectfully, assistance in the form of food help.
I am heartened to see many of our seniors, members of our Spanish Community and neighbors participating in this program. They are so very grateful and are spreading the word that we care.
Thank you to all involved with the Neighbor Outreach of Colorado for the wonderful help you provide to these people in need.
Rev. Tom Coyte, Volunteer

I want to thank you for bringing the Neighbor Outreach of Colorado Food Pantry to Holy Cross Church here in the City of Thornton and Adams County. As the former Mayor of this community, I have been involved in many food banks and ways to help those in need. Having worked at your food bank these past few months, I want to tell you that I never worked with a better organization than yours. You treat the clients with the utmost respect, dignity and most of all provide a wide variety of food for families to have nutritious meals for several weeks.
I know that you depend on donations to help finance this program, and I am offering to help you in any way that I can to continue to meet the need in this north area.
Thank you and your volunteers for making a difference in peoples lives.
Noel I. Busck, Volunteer